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How quickly is my item posted?I post original paintings, small prints and fine art cards within 24 hours with Australia Post. Larger prints and printed merchandise is drop shipped from a third party who usually fulfilles your order with 2 business days and then your item is shipped from the US fulfillment and distribution centre.
I live in the Hunter Valley can I pick up my item directly from you?Yes, please call me on +61490221311 or email to arrange a pick up time.
Can I visit your Art Studio?Unfortunately I do not have a studio that is large enough for display of any art, its only big enough for the creation of it.
Do you currently teach Soft Pastel classes?Not at the moment but hopefully very soon, keep watching this space.
What payments methods do you currently have?I use Stripe and Paypal for ease of payment. So that way you can pay via Debit or Credit Cards and also have access to Paypals new "pay in 4" system so you can pay off your purchase over 4 weeks for convenience.
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